Small business marketing and enterprise marketing in the 21st century is remarkably different than ever before. SFB understands that your needs are unique and may be complex, whether you own a small business or if you are part of a large global company. And by looking at each step of the process together, we will better understand your challenges to maximize your opportunities. Learn more about Modern 4P Marketing.
And, our approach is structured by design and influenced by instinct. Simply put, we don’t like surprises for our clients or in our work. We tackle every opportunity with a robust framework developed from years of experience in effectively every aspect of marketing. And our work across many industries has created powerful leadership that helps our clients know how to make SMARTER decisions that drive FASTER growth to achieve BETTER results. Learn more about the IDEAs approach to your small business marketing and enterprise marketing needs.

The Modern 4P Model of Marketing
Marketing has historically been defined with four specific subcategories, sometimes known as the 4P’s of marketing. SFB IDEAS recognizes a 4P model this has been enhanced to reflect a modern approach in go-to-market strategies and tactics for both small business marketing needs and enterprise marketing solutions. Read below about our fundamental view of marketing in the modern economy.

Comprehensive planning is essential. Understand the market, identify your targets and create a strategy to drive success.

Know what the market wants, and build that an offering that helps your customers be successful. Whether tangible products or professional services, your solutions must be aligned to satisfy customer needs and ensure your success.

Understand where your audience exists and deliver coordinated impressions to drive awareness, consideration, adoption and usage. Maximize your resources across multiple channels to ensure the broadest coverage to your targets.

Your resources are valuable and need to be managed effectively. For peace-of-mind, track results, understand outcomes, and make adjustments.
See how SFB IDEAS has helped numerous clients across many industries with their marketing needs.
Anyone can throw stuff against the wall to see what will stick. But chances are, nothing will stick, and you’re left with a lot of expense in time and money that results in little to no return. That’s why we created the IDEAs approach to marketing. Simply, we don’t like surprises for our clients or in our work, and we inform our go-forward plans with details that give our clients a much higher expectation for success. We use this approach in everything that we do, from brand strategy conversations to websites and sales materials. We inform the process to make SMARTER decisions for FASTER growth to achieve BETTER results.
The ONLY place to start. Whether you’re launching a new business or simply updating your website, you need to understand your audience and how they want to connect. INSIGHTS help you understand what they want and why they care. Capture feedback, measure results, define your plan.
If you’ve been in business for a day or a decade, you have a track record. Analyzing your results is essential. Locate your information, format the results, and then review the trends to define your strategy and your action plan.
With strategy and action plan ready, it’s time to GO! Sometimes you need help to ensure projects are managed correctly. That’s where you need experience, skills and leadership to get the job done.
Understand your results to refine your plan, which requires thoughtful planning and effective analysis. Be equipped to understand and communicate the impact of your efforts.